Telephone number: 020 8224 5695



Tax Training Ltd has launched the NEWSLETTER TEXT SERVICE. Each month we provide you with a detailed newsletter of developments in the previous month on tax and adjacent topics. Not only do you get this comprehensive newsletter but you may USE THE TEXT FREE in your own newsletters and on your website. Yes, you can provide your clients with up-to-date information and articles on tax each month without having to write a word.

The cost is just an introductory price of £250 a year – less than £21 a month. You probably spend more on your milk bill! For this, each month you will receive a newsletter of at least 6,000 words (and some are more than twice as long) with at least two articles. This comes as a Word document. We also send a client newsletter which is a reduction of the main newsletter. You can simply replace our heading with yours and send it to your clients.

You do not have to use the whole newsletter. You may choose what you include in your own newsletter or on your website. You may mix it with your own news. For instance, you may wish to include details of new services or new staff. All this for less than £21 a month. And if you subscribe before 31 December 2021, we guarantee to hold that introductory price for you for two years.

You do not have to take our word for this. Below are PDFs of our recent newsletters and client newsletters. You can see for yourself how excellent the NEWSLETTER TEXT SERVICE is, and what a bargain it is for less than £21 a month.

Client Newsletter

August 2021


August 2021


September 2021

Subscribing to the newsletter service also allows you to use articles on tax topics at no additional charge and without needing to seek copyright clearance.

As a new company, we are flexible. We welcome your feedback on the Newsletter Text Service. We are also able to provide bespoke written material for you. Please just give us a call on 020 8224 5695.

All you need do to subscribe is to give us an email address and pay us £250. Payment may be made by online bank transfer, cheque or card.


We are still in business to provide in-house lectures as soon as that is possible.

UK tax law now runs to more than 23,000 pages – ten times the length of the Bible. And this is not stopping. Each year a new Finance Act adds hundreds more pages.

There are also more than 600 cases a year, plus statutory instruments, HMRC guidance and other material.

You cannot keep up to date with this avalanche of change. But we can.

That is why we can come to your premises for a tailor-made course. We come to your premises to train your staff to your specification.

Give us a call on 020 8224 5695, to discuss your requirements. Our charge is just £1,500 a day for a whole day, or £1,000 for a half-day. This is plus VAT and any travelling and accommodation expenses. This figure includes provision of notes.

These prices are fixed until the end of 2021.


In the meantime, please feel free to explore this website.

There is also a comprehensive DICTIONARY of tax terms. This contains more than 22,000 definitions in more than 1 million words. And it’s yours to use, absolutely free.

There is a detailed NEWS blog of tax and related news going back to 2011. It is fully searchable. Just click on the News tab at the top of the page, and type in a key word in the Search box.

There are ARTICLES on different aspects of tax and related disciplines. These provide simple introductions to subjects.

And finally, you can listen to TAX TRAINING’S GREATEST HITS by the Nil Rate Band. It can be heard from here.

What more do we have to do to get your business?