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A new study by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and a New Zealand accountancy body shows that many small and medium-sized practices (SMPs) are offering alternative routes to become an accountant. They offer flexible working hours and scope to work from home. [20.08/4]
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On 26 August 2020, the government announced that it was accepting all 12 recommendations of an independent review to address problems of surface water flooding. More than 3 million properties are at risk from such flooding, usually after heavy thunderstorms when drainage systems are overwhelmed. The changes including greater clarity in defining responsibilities. It will...
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Students who do not make university should consider a career in accountancy, according to the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). There are no admission requirements and the qualification can be obtained while in full-time employment. Many students are of mature years and from ethnic minority backgrounds. The accountancy technician is a valued qualification in its...
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New guidance was produced on 26 August 2020 to assist nuclear test veterans making compensation claims. These veterans were present at nuclear tests in Australia and the South Pacific between 1952 and 1967. Such veterans who believe they have suffered ill health from such attendance may claim no-fault compensation under the War Pension Scheme. This...
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Local authorities say they will have a £7.2 billion funding gap in 2020/21, according to the Institute of Fiscal Studies. Local authorities were already struggling with reduced financing from central government. They have now been given additional responsibilities for housing rough sleepers, supporting shielded residents, and track and trace. This is on top of other...
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In the first three weeks, the Eating Out to Help Out Scheme (EOHOS) has been used for 64 million meals. About 87,000 restaurants and other establishments have joined the scheme. There have been 34 million searches by 13 million different users to find participating establishments. Some establishments have extended their opening hours to accommodate the...
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Lord Justice Stephens was appointed to the Supreme Court on 25 August 2020. He replaces Lord Kerr who retires on 30 September 2020. Sir Ben Stephens was educated at Manchester University. He was called to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 1977, the Bar of England and Wales in July 1978 and to the Bar...
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The Financial Conduct Authority announced plans on 26 August 2020 to ensure that mortgage borrowers continue to receive help when the mortgage holiday period expires. It has invited lenders and others to respond to a consultation by 1 September 2020.
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The future of inheritance tax has been raised again following publication of HMRC’s periodic analysis of the tax. Inheritance tax was introduced in 1984 as the latest in a line of death duties starting with probate duty in 1694. In recent years, more estates have come within the scope of inheritance tax as the nil...
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Joe Biden was formally nominated as the Democrat candidate for the US presidential elections in November, standing against President Trump who will be seeking re-election. On 11 August 2020,Biden nominated Senator Kamala Harris to be vice-presidential candidate. She is the first woman of colour to make the US presidential ticket, and only the third woman...
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