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Robert is a chartered accountant and certified accountant. He qualified as an accountant in 1983, having previously qualified as an accounting technician. He is a director of the company.

Robert worked in industry for 15 years, including becoming chief accountant and company secretary of more than a dozen companies, including a finance company, leasing company, employment agency, commercial landlords and publisher. He then briefly worked as features editor of the magazine The Accountant.

From 1986, Robert has been self-employed. He is the author of more than 40 published books, including the best-selling Tax Factbook and Payroll Factbook, originally published by Sweet & Maxwell. He has also written for CCH Editions, Tolley Publishing, Taxation magazine, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, Harriman House, among others. He edited an edition of The Stock Exchange Yearbook. For two years, he was a judge of the Stock Exchange award for best published accounts.

He has a long history of lecturing, going back more than 30 years. He has lectured to leading firms of accountants, public companies, government departments, professional bodies and (on four occasions) to HMRC itself. He has also lectured for a university, and been on Radio 2 and Radio 4.

Tony Jenkins CTA

Tony is a freelance tax lecturer with many years experience in training and development, some of which were gained at senior levels in Ernst & Young and Howarth Clark Whitehill among others. Following previous employments, Tony is now in business on his own account, focusing on delivering training courses.

Tony gives lectures for several private and corporate client managers, including accountants and lawyers. He also looks after the tax affairs of a small number of private clients.

Areas of specialisms include all aspects of personal tax, including Budget update, all aspects of corporate tax, tax planning for owner-managed businesses, capital taxes planning, expatriate taxation, advising on the taxation of non-resident and/or non-domiciled clients, all aspects of employment taxation including employment related securities, termination payments, PAYE and NIC, CIS etc, and financial decision making.

Paul Soper FCCA

Paul qualified with Stoy Hayward as an accountant in 1973, and has been both a partner in a small firm and sole practitioner. He is now a consultant and lecturer on taxation issues focusing mainly on small practitioners and has presented extensively for firms both large and small as well as the ACCA, the ICAEW District Societies and the CIOT.

He has extensive broadcasting experience both on the radio with the BBC, Radios 1, 2 and 4 as well as local radio in London and in Wales, and on TV – he was one of the regular presenters of the first 3 series of Moneyspinner on Channel 4, has appeared in numerous videos produced and presented for various organisations including the BBC Accountants TV Channel.

He produces, writes, records and present podcasts both for his own site – and for others as diverse as the Neighbourhood Watch and the ACCA. He is the author of several books for students, as well as ‘How to Avoid CGT’ for Rushmere Wynne. In his spare time he plays bass in a London-based blues band, Jimmy C and the Bluesdragons.

Barry Williams MA

For many years Barry was an Inspector of Taxes and a lawyer (trained in both direct taxes and VAT).

He was Head of The Appeals Unit in London and has conducted many cases for Inland Revenue/HMRC before the Tribunals, as well as training hundreds of tax inspectors on matters of advocacy and evidence. He has had experience in many divisions of HMRC, including Specialist Investigations, National Minimum Wage and Dispute Resolution.